124 Park Hill Road
Postal Address
PO Box 34429
Auckland 0746
Business 09 480 8051
Mobile 021 316 404
Fax 09 480 8052
Advising on Employment Law in Auckland for over 20 years
As an employment lawyer, when I give practical advice it is always in the knowledge that I may be required to back it up in court. I assist clients at disciplinary hearings, and represent clients at mediation, in the Employment Relations Authority and in all New Zealand courts and tribunals.
I view all cases as urgent and use legal remedies fearlessly and tenaciously. The first thing I do is advise on the merits of your case. Litigation is a last resort and most cases are settled favourably.
Sometimes, Employers will only respond to being sued. I act with the utmost urgency. Relying on employment law principles at mediation, usually results in settlement including remedies of compensation and a contribution to costs. Failing a resolution, litigation is the only option.
Employment problems and talk about restructuring or redundancy is stressful but it is not necessary to just accept it. Employees need the legal, emotional and financial consequences of their crisis to be dealt with quickly. Employers who behave badly should be held to account under New Zealand’s employment law. If you are in a situation like this, seeking employment law advice is your best option. Contact me today for experienced employment advocacy services.
Employers have rights too! A proper legal response often wards off grievances at the first reply or at mediation. I specialise in digging employers out of a “legal hole” by resolving the matter at lowest possible cost.
I believe that matters of principle are worth fighting in court. Employers are legally entitled to dismiss for misconduct without paying compensation. They can expect competence, honesty and efficiency from employees and can dismiss those who do not meet this standard. Ensure your business is represented by an employment law professional and contact me for any employment law needs in Auckland and on the North Shore.
Employment Law Experience in Auckland
I immigrated to Auckland, New Zealand in 1993 and was admitted as a barrister and solicitor in 1996. I have acted for employees and employers in small and large companies across New Zealand, overall achieving very good results.
In South Africa, I sat as a Member of the South African Industrial Court. I was admitted as a barrister in 1989 and sat as an Assessor on the Labour Appeal Court. I defended over thirty murder accuseds in trials and cases of armed robbery, rape and infanticide. I am a trained Mediator and Arbitrator.